meet April Showers

Hi, I’m April. Yeah, that’s right, April Showers.
Very funny, like I haven’t heard that one before!
Look, it’s not my fault, my parents picked the name. What? You didn’t think April was a girl’s name?!?
And who are you, anyway?

Huh? You were expecting someone more goth looking? What, all black and grey?
Someone told you I usually wear black eyeliner and grey dresses with raindrops?!? And I’m all gloomy and wintery looking? No way, that was a stage, i’m over it!

Oh, you can hear someone muttering in the background about using what they have and not having any decent black fabric paint or decent black pens? Yeah, i dunno who’s muttering either.
Look, it’s Autumn colours, ok? It’s Autumn here now and it hasn’t rained in days.

She’s my April entry for A Month of Softies. She’s a proof-of-concept doll. The concept is graphix girl, number 19 on my to-do-list. Yes, I think the concept is proven, I’ll make graphix girl one day … but not in May, I’m working on back-tack!!!

And just to show you even prototypes have their prototype:

I love finding out how people develop their softie patterns, so I thought I’d show you how I’m developing mine ;D

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