but I’ve forgotten the word. Something like ‘dealing with past mistakes before moving on to something new’ or ‘making the best of what you’ve got’. I bought this wool on sale over 3 years ago. I was just thinking about getting back into knitting again, after a long, long break. I liked the promise of a ‘quick and easy’ knit, particularly as I was thinking of making my first adult-sized jumper. I did knit it a bit, then put it away, moved house, went back to Uni, had a baby, did tons of other things. This blog prompted me to look through my craft supplies and find a half-knit red jumper. But I couldn’t work out which pattern I’d used, or whether I’d intended to combine a couple.
In the meantime, my tastes changed. I’ve got to admit, I rather like “What not to wear” with Trinny and Susannah. Sure, I understand the criticisms of it, you get a glimpse of far bigger problems in people’s lives that a new set of clothes won’t fix and why does every woman have to look feminine anyhow? But I agree that you feel more confident if you think you look good, and there’s no point emphasising your ugly bits or hiding your best features. And I r.e.a.l.l.y like the concept that you don’t need to diet down to stick-thin model size or have plastic surgery to look better, you just need to select your clothes more carefully / cleverly. Whatever your price-range.
I think I’m usually pretty ok in my clothes choices if I can try them on, but until I started watching the show, I hadn’t thought about general principles of what looks good on me (the ‘rules’). When I thought about this wool and the patterns I’d chosen I realised they’d make a garment that was exactly the opposite of what looks good on me.
I also realised that really thick, chunky wool isn’t that popular in craft/knit blogland. It sorta isn’t ‘real’ knitting. The colour’s still ok, ‘tho.
So I started searching for a better pattern. With chunky wools, it’s seems patterns are either for flash-dance-style crop tops or heavy-duty tents. Oh yes, I could make a heap of hats and scarves with 10 balls, but I couldn’t wear them all!! Finally, I found this. At least it has some shaping, and a hint of neck.
There’s so many other knits I’d love to work on (I might still start them), but I feel I should put a bit of time into this. Oh, and the fish are just for fun.
I’m in that jumping from project to project mood – no time to really concentrate, no patience to actually finish anything. Maybe it’s a pre-Christmas delirium, or the return of the Summer heat … Currently, I have half a sleeve…